MI Open Book
Started in 2014 as part of the Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) the MI Open Book project is designed to give kids a first exposure to the content that they will learn about in their social studies courses. Funded by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE), the MI Open Book resources were created by teachers from around the state who have taught their content for many years. They are edited and maintained by professionals from the field of Social Studies which include ISD consultants, university faculty, and district curriculum leaders who all have extensive background knowledge in their content. It is a true collaboration of k-12 and higher education.
How is it open?
While the MI Open Book resources are compiled into versions suitable for Chromebooks, Apple devices, and Windows machines, the source files (both in iBooks Author and InDesign) will be made available to the districts in the state for ongoing usage and customization. While central c